The realisation that your prompt action has saved the life of another human being by actually RESTARTING their heart.
Our Community First Responder team is putting in record hours, with the team grown to 12 people supporting the ambulance service in Selsey and the Manhood Peninsular. We’re ‘on call’ as much as we can be, however we can’t cover 24/7/365 (we’d need a team of 49 to do that!), so the next best solution is our Public Access Defibrillators (PADs), the yellow boxes on the sides of buildings.
Selsey has 22 PAD sites, equivalent to 182 per 100,00 of population – one of the most in the country and we plan to grow this by another 5 in 2024. ALL the PAD sites are funded by the generous donations received from businesses, organisations and individuals within Selsey.
The Selsey PADs have been used 23 times in the past year – that’s a possible 23 lives saved!!
We know from latest research that PADs are only used in 10% of cardiac arrest situations. The same research indicated that lack of knowledge and lack of confidence were the main contributors in people ‘not getting involved’.
THIS IS WHERE you ALL come in.
Our ambition is to train 1,000 Selsey residents in how to use a defibrillator in 2024. We’re starting with schools and colleges, businesses and other organisations, however we also want to appeal to residents – it could be your next door neighbour who will suffer a Cardiac Arrest, or another passer-by in the street - and you can have the chance to save their life (imagine how that would feel?)
You don’t need to be young (or old!) to learn what to do. You could be in a wheelchair and still direct other people to save that life. Children as young as 5 have learned the skill and could help others
We’re prepared to invest precious CFR hours in an interactive day at Selsey Town Hall on 17
February 2024.
We’re planning to have 3 x 45 minute time slots at 1100, 1300 and 1500 to show you what to do and let you ‘have a go’ at CPR (that’s the resuscitation using a defibrillator).
The event is free to all Selsey residents and on completion you will receive recognition of
your achievement. Please email with your preferred time (places will be limited to 30 places per event}.