
Text SELSEYCFR followed by your donation amount to 70450
(texts will cost the donation amount plus one standard network rate message)

There is no government or NHS funding for your voluntary Responders and we have to look to the firms and residents of Selsey to help us.

  • Each CFR needs the approved equipment to respond to 999 emergency calls.
  • Each CFR must be easily identifiable with Uniform.
  • We need to supply & maintain Public Access Defibrillator (PAD) sites within Selsey.

If you would like to help us raise funds to support the scheme, please email us.

Below are a list of just a few local companies, organisations and individuals all of whom have supported us with generous donations. We thankyou for your support.

Sue Bringloe Yoga – A Selsey based yoga instructor. Offered on a donation basis with all proceeds (after venue costs) being donated to Selsey First Responders (thats us!).

Gainsborough Singers – Selsey based singers

Selsey Carpet Bowls Club